Dear Readers



Dear Readers,

Good luck to a New Year, New Goals, and New Opportunities!

What are your New Year’s resolutions? I have parenting goals, relationship goals, health goals, friend goals, budgeting goals, reading goals, hobby goals, work goals, and even pleasure goals….for all facets of life………I am getting after it…….Failure is a given…..Another chance to start, of course…. After all. life IS improvisational, as we never know exactly what is coming, but having a plan is comforting.

In choosing an entrepreneur, Dr. Lee Van Horn, an emerging writer, Rachelle Chartrand, an artist Mariko Ando, and community connectors, Katherine Allen & Laura Kosciecha as our feature for the January issue, we found ourselves in good company. I see a creative abundance in all areas of life, including realizations of ourselves.  As Dr. Van Horn said in his interview, “In your community, there are a million ways to give back and the only reason you don’t see them is because you are not looking. After all, it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness”.  The key, again, is effort.

IMG_0755Kudos to Bernie Percy and Mary Dopson, 2014 recipients of the Volunteer Award of Kerrisdale Community Centre. We awarded two awards to long time volunteers who have made great contributions to our community. I would like to highlight here some noteworthy achievements:

Bernie Percy joined the knitting group 12 years ago and leads the group. Bernie was born in Dublin, Ireland, one of 10 children.  Bernie is very proud of her involvement with the Book of Kells, an ancient book from Ireland which dates from the 6th Century BC.  There were a few replicas made and Bernie organized a committee to purchase the only copy in Canada.  It is now on permanent display in the UBC library, and it is the most popular book in the library, and there now is a course about the history of the Book of Kells, at UBC.

Mary Dopson is also an avid knitter for the community centre, and makes the furniture socks for sale in the Seniors’ Centre boutique store. Mary came from Scotland to Winnipeg at an early age.  Mary became an outstanding athlete. In 1936 she won 1st place in the Women’s Broad Jump and 2nd in the Women’s 100 m for Canada.  She qualified for the 1936 summer Olympic Games in Berlin, but was unable to attend as she had to pay her own passage to Berlin and it was the Depression and there was not enough funds.  She continued her running career, and later moved to Vancouver.  Mary competed in the BC Seniors’ Games in 2009 in a race against other seniors 90 and over.  She also was invited to march with the torch at the games in 2009.  Mary is an inspirational figure and a pioneer of women’s sports in Canada.


Happy New Year.


Keiko Honda
Chair, Community Engagement